
Provides web services for managing user account information.

GET api/Account/UserInfo

Allows the current user to get their own user info.

GET api/Account/GridSettings?route={route}

Gets the user's grid settings defined by the specified URL-Encoded route.

POST api/Account/ChangePassword

Allows the current user to change their password.

POST api/Account/ChangePasswordByUsername

Allows the the user of the provided username to change their password.

POST api/Account/Logout

Logs out the current user.

POST api/Account/GridSettings

Saves the user's grid settings.

PUT api/Account/UpdateUser

Allows a user to update the specified user.


Provides web services for interacting with the Authoritative Copy status of documents through SmartTransfer.

POST api/SmartTransfer/AuthoritativeCopy

Provides the ability to perform actions that modify a document's Authoritative Copy status. Valid ActionTypeId values are: 5 = Designated, 6 = Exported, 7 = ConvertedToPaper.

POST api/SmartTransfer/AuthoritativeCopy/Bulk

Provides the ability to perform actions that modify a document's Authoritative Copy status using document names.

POST api/SmartTransfer/AuthoritativeCopy/Import

Provides the ability to import an Authoritative Copy document into a Client's eVault.

POST api/SmartTransfer/AuthoritativeCopy/Import/Bulk

Provides the ability to import multiple Authoritative Copy documents into a Client's eVault.

POST api/SmartTransfer/AuthoritativeCopy/Search

Provides the ability to search for Authoritative Copy documents.

POST api/SmartTransfer/AuthoritativeCopy/Download

Download a CSV file of authoritative copy search results retrieved using the search criteria.


Provides web services for managing clients.

DELETE api/ClientManagement/Clients/{clientId}

Allows an organization admin to delete a client.

GET api/ClientManagement/Clients/Search?q={q}&organizationId={organizationId}&limit={limit}&offset={offset}

Search for clients.

GET api/ClientManagement/Clients

Allows a SAFEAdmin to get all clients, and allows an organization admin to get all clients associated with their organization.

GET api/ClientManagement/Clients/{clientId}

Allows a client admin or an organization admin of the specified client to get the client.

GET api/ClientManagement/Clients/{clientId}/Users

Allows a client admin or an organization admin of the specified client to get all users associated to the client.

GET api/ClientManagement/Clients/ActiveClientsWithSettings

Gets the active clients with client smart registry settings.

GET api/ClientManagement/Clients/ActiveClients

Gets the list of active clients.

GET api/ClientManagement/Clients/MERSInformation

Gets the organization MERS information.

POST api/ClientManagement/Clients

Allows an organization admin to create a new client, and allows a client admin to update their client.


Provides web services for managing client MERS members

GET api/SmartRegistry/ClientMERSMembers

Gets all MERS members associated to the client of the authenticated user.

GET api/SmartRegistry/ClientMERSMembers/Client/{clientId}

Gets all MERS members associated to the client of the authenticated user.

GET api/SmartRegistry/ClientMERSMembers/Active?includeInactive={includeInactive}

Gets all active MERS members associated to the client of the authenticated user.

GET api/SmartRegistry/ClientMERSMembers/Active/{clientId}?includeInactive={includeInactive}

Gets all active MERS members associated to the client.

GET api/SmartRegistry/ClientMERSMembers/{clientMersMemberId}

Gets a specific ClientMERSMember by the identifier.

POST api/SmartRegistry/ClientMERSMembers

Saves the client MERS member.


Provides web services for client to client transfer functionality.

POST api/Documents/ClientToClientTransfer/Send

Provides the ability to perform a client to client transfer using Document IDs.

POST api/Documents/ClientToClientTransfer/Send/Bulk

Provides the ability to perform a client to client transfer using Document Names.


Provides web services for managing client users.

DELETE api/ClientManagement/Users?userName={userName}

Delete the specified user by username.

DELETE api/ClientManagement/Users?userId={userId}

Delete the specified user by user identifier.

GET api/ClientManagement/Users?userName={userName}

Allows a client admin or an org admin of the client to get the specified user.

GET api/ClientManagement/Users?userId={userId}

Gets a user mathing the user identifier supplied.

POST api/ClientManagement/Users/Search

Allows a client admin or an organization admin of the client to search the client's users.

POST api/ClientManagement/Users/Create

Allows a client admin or an organization admin of the client to create a new user for the client.

POST api/ClientManagement/Users/Save

Allows a client admin or an organization admin of the client to update the specified user.

POST api/ClientManagement/Users/ResetPassword

Allows a client admin reset the specified user's password.


Provides web services to manage documents.

DELETE api/Documents/{documentId}

Allows a client admin to delete the specified document.

DELETE api/Documents/Linked?documentId={documentId}

Unlinks the document from the parent document.

GET api/Documents/{documentId}

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin to get the specified document.

GET api/Documents/{documentId}/Download?smartDocumentAsPDF={smartDocumentAsPDF}&includeLinkedDocuments={includeLinkedDocuments}&includeAuditCertificate={includeAuditCertificate}&includeAuditLog={includeAuditLog}

Allows a client admin, a SigningRoom admin, or a participant to download the specified document.

GET api/Documents/{documentId}/PageImage/{pageNumber}

Allows a client admin, a SigningRoom admin, or a participant to get the page image of the specified document and page.

GET api/Documents/{documentId}/AuditCertificate

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin to get the audit certificate of a signed document.

GET api/Documents/{documentId}/SmartDocument

Gets all information for the SmartDocument.

GET api/Documents/{documentId}/SmartDocument/ExternalReferences?filename={filename}

Gets the SmartDocument External Reference file

GET api/Documents/{documentId}/SmartDocument/Presentation

Gets the SmartDocument Presentation.

GET api/Documents/{documentId}/SmartDocument/Xml

Gets the SmartDocument xml.

GET api/Documents/{documentId}/SmartDocument/TransactionSummary

Gets the SmartDocument transaction summary.

GET api/Documents/{documentId}/Borrowers

Gets the borrowers for the specified document.

GET api/Documents/{documentId}/Linked

Gets the linked documents for the provided document identifier.

GET api/Documents/{documentId}/SecuredInterest

Gets the secured interest for the provided document identifier.

GET api/Documents/{documentId}/AuditLog

Gets the rights holders for the provided document identifier.

GET api/Documents/{documentId}/AuditLogPDF

Gets the rights holders for the provided document identifier in PDF format.

POST api/Documents/Search

Allows an organization admin to search for documents associated to the org, and allows client admins and client users to search for document associated to their client.

POST api/Documents/SearchEVault

Allows an organization admin to search for eVault items associated to the org, and allows client admins and client users to search for eVault items associated to their client.

POST api/Documents/SearchEVault/Download

Download a CSV file of eVault search results based on the search criteria.

POST api/Documents

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin to save the document information.

POST api/Documents/DownloadAsZip

Downloads multiple files into a zip.

POST api/Documents/Upload

Allows a client admin to upload a document.

POST api/Documents/UploadSmartDocument

Allows a client admin to upload a SmartDocument.

POST api/Documents/Borrowers

Saves the given borrowers.

POST api/Documents/Delete

Deletes the documents.

POST api/Documents/Linked/Children

Gets the linked child documents for the provided document identifiers.

POST api/Documents/Linked

Links multiple documents to a parent document.

POST api/Documents/Archive?includeLinkedDocuments={includeLinkedDocuments}

Archive the documents with the specified identifiers.

POST api/Documents/Activate

Activate the documents with the specified identifiers.

POST api/Documents/Certify

Certify the contents of 0-many eNotes.

PUT api/Documents/{documentId}/Move/{destinationFolderId}

Moves the document to the destination provided.


Provides web services for document tagging.

DELETE api/SigningRoomManager/Tagging/Templates/{DocumentTemplateId}

Deletes the document template.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/Tagging/{documentId}/DocumentTagPackage

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin to get a document tag package.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/Tagging/{clientId}/Templates

Gets the document templates for a client.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/Tagging/DocumentTagPackage

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin to create a document tag package.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/Tagging/Templates

Saves a document template.


Provides web services for eCertification functionality.

DELETE api/ECertification/Endpoints/{eCertificationEndpointId}

Deletes the eCertification endpoint.

GET api/ECertification/{eCertificationId}

Gets the eCertification by the identifier.

GET api/ECertification/{eCertificationId}/Send

Sends the eCertification response.

POST api/ECertification/Endpoints

Saves the eCertification endpoint.

POST api/ECertification/Endpoints/Search

Searches the eCertification endpoints.

POST api/ECertification/Search

Searches the eCertifications.

POST api/ECertification/Download

Download a CSV file of eCertifications based on the search criteria.


Provides web services for smart transfer functionality with external eVault providers that are not a SmartSAFE eVault.

POST api/SmartTransfer/evaultintegrations/webhook

Log and process the incoming transfer webhook notification.


Provides web services for managing event subscriptions.

GET api/Configuration/EventSubscriptions

Allows a user to get the event subscriptions for the client they are associated to.

GET api/Configuration/EventSubscriptions/Client/{clientId}

Allows a user to get the event subscriptions for the client they specify.

GET api/Configuration/EventSubscriptions/{eventSubscriptionId}

Allows a user to get a specified event subscription for their client.

POST api/Configuration/EventSubscriptions

Allows a user to create a new event subscription for their client.


Provides web services for managing exception logs.

GET api/Admin/ExceptionLog/{exceptionLogId}

Allows a SAFEAdmin to get the specified exception log.

POST api/Admin/ExceptionLog/Search

Allows a SAFEAdmin to search the exception logs.

POST api/Admin/ExceptionLog

Creates a new exception log.


Provides web services for managing external eVault integration settings.

GET api/SmartTransfer/ExternalEVaultIntegrationSettings

Provides the ability to get the external eVault integration settings for the current user.

GET api/SmartTransfer/ExternalEVaultIntegrationSettings?clientId={clientId}

Provides the ability to get the external eVault integration settings for the given client id.

POST api/SmartTransfer/ExternalEVaultIntegrationSettings

Provides the ability to save external eVault integration settings.


Provides web services for managing the external eVault notification log.

GET api/SmartTransfer/ExternalEVaultNotificationLog/{id}

Provides the ability to get the specified external eVault notification log.

POST api/SmartTransfer/ExternalEVaultNotificationLog/Search

Provides the ability to search the external eVault notification log.


Provides web services to manage folders.

DELETE api/Folders/{folderId}

Deletes the folder.

GET api/Folders/Root/{clientId}

Gets the root folder.

GET api/Folders/{folderId}

Gets the folder.

GET api/Folders/{folderId}/Contents?name={name}&pageSize={pageSize}&page={page}&sortBy={sortBy}&sortDirection={sortDirection}&includeArchived={includeArchived}

Gets the folder contents.

GET api/Folders/{folderId}/Subfolders?folderName={folderName}&pageSize={pageSize}&page={page}&sortBy={sortBy}&sortDirection={sortDirection}

Gets the folder's subfolders.

GET api/Folders/{folderId}/Parents

Gets the folder parents.

GET api/Folders/{folderId}/Download

Downloads the folder.

GET api/Folders/Items/Zip/Download?fileGuid={fileGuid}

Downloads the zip of the folder items.

POST api/Folders

Adds the folder.

POST api/Folders/Items/Delete

Deletes the folder items.

POST api/Folders/Items/Download

Downloads the folder items.

POST api/Folders/Items/Zip

Zips the folder items.

POST api/Folders/Items/Move/{destinationFolderId}

Moves the folder items to the destination folder.

PUT api/Folders/{folderId}/Move/{destinationFolderId}

Moves the folder to the destination.

PUT api/Folders

Updates the folder.


Provides web services for managing locked documents.

DELETE api/Admin/LockedDocuments/{documentId}

Allows a SAFEAdmin to unlock a document.

GET api/Admin/LockedDocuments

Allows a SAFEAdmin to search the locked documents.


Provides web services for managing lookups.

GET api/Configuration/DocumentTypes/{clientId}/Active

Allows a user to get a list of active document types for the client id specified, excluding the SigningRoom Audit Trail Certificate document type.

GET api/Configuration/DocumentTypes/{clientId}/AllActive

Allows a user to get a list of all active document types for the client id specified, including the SigningRoom Audit Trail Certificate document type.

GET api/Configuration/DocumentTypes/{clientId}

Allows a user to get active and inactive document types for the client id specified.

GET api/Configuration/EventTypes

Allows a user to get all existing event types.

GET api/Configuration/SigningRoomActivityTypes

Allows a user to get all existing SigningRoom activity types.

GET api/Configuration/SignatureFonts

Gets the list of signature fonts.

GET api/Configuration/SigningRoomActionTypes

Allows a user to get all existing SigningRoom action types.

GET api/Configuration/EVaultActivityTypes

Allows a user to get all existing eVault activity types.

GET api/Configuration/ClientToClientTransferStatusTypes

Allows a user to get all existing Client To Client Transfer Status Types.

GET api/Configuration/ECertificationStatusTypes

Gets the list of eCertification status types.

GET api/Configuration/CertifiedStatusTypes

Gets the list of certified status types.

GET api/Configuration/ParticipantRoleTypes

Gets the list of participant role types.

GET api/Configuration/DocumentAuditLogActionTypes

Gets the list of document audit log action types.

POST api/Configuration/DocumentTypes

Allows a client admin to update a document type associated with the client.


Provides web services for managing Notifications.

GET api/SmartRegistry/notifications/DocumentValidationFailures/{validationFailureId}/Accept

Accept the eDelivery document validation failure.

GET api/SmartRegistry/notifications/DocumentValidationFailures/{validationFailureId}/Reject

Reject the eDelivery document validation failure.

GET api/SmartRegistry/notifications/DocumentValidationFailures/{validationFailureId}/Download

Downloads the eDelivery document validation file.

POST api/SmartRegistry/notifications

Processes the incoming eRegistry notification.

POST api/SmartRegistry/notifications/Search

Provides the ability to search for pending notifications.

POST api/SmartRegistry/notifications/Confirm

Provides the ability to accept or reject pending eRegistry notifications.

POST api/SmartRegistry/notifications/Confirm/Batch

Provides the ability to accept or reject pending eRegistry notifications .

POST api/SmartRegistry/notifications/{eRegistryNotificationId}/NotRequired/{clientId}

Provides the ability to mark a notification confirmation as not required.

POST api/SmartRegistry/notifications/DocumentValidationFailures

Provides the ability to accept or deny eDelivered documents that didn't pass validation into the eVault.

POST api/SmartRegistry/notifications/DocumentValidationFailures/Accept

Accept the eDelivery document validation failures.

POST api/SmartRegistry/notifications/DocumentValidationFailures/Reject

Reject the eDelivery document validation failures.


Provides web services for managing organizations.

DELETE api/OrganizationManagement/Organizations/{organizationId}

Allows a SAFEAdmin to delete a specified organization.

GET api/OrganizationManagement/Organizations/Search?q={q}&limit={limit}&offset={offset}

Allows a SAFEAdmin to search for organizations.

GET api/OrganizationManagement/Organizations

Allows a SAFEAdmin to get all organizations.

GET api/OrganizationManagement/Organizations/active

Allows the user to get all active organizations.

GET api/OrganizationManagement/Organizations/{id}/Clients

Get all clients for a specific organization.

GET api/OrganizationManagement/Organizations/{id}/Clients/Active

Get all active clients for a specific organization.

GET api/OrganizationManagement/Organizations/{organizationId}

Allows a SAFEAdmin to get a specific organization, and allows an organization admin to get their organization.

GET api/OrganizationManagement/Organizations/MERSInformation

Gets the client MERS information for all of the clients in the Safe.

POST api/OrganizationManagement/Organizations/Create

Allows a SAFEAdmin to create a new organization.

POST api/OrganizationManagement/Organizations/Save

Allows a SAFEAdmin to update a specified organization, and allows an organization admin to update their organization.


Provides web services for managing organization user admins.

DELETE api/organizationmanagement/user?userName={userName}

Allows an organization admin to delete the specified user by username.

DELETE api/organizationmanagement/user?userId={userId}

Allows an organization admin to delete the specified user by username.

DELETE api/organizationmanagement/user/{userId}/ClientAssignments/{clientId}

Removes a client assignment.

GET api/organizationmanagement/user?userName={userName}

Gets a user mathing the user name supplied.

GET api/organizationmanagement/user?userId={userId}

Gets a user mathing the user identifier supplied.

POST api/organizationmanagement/user/Admins

Gets all organization admins for current user.

POST api/organizationmanagement/user/Search

Gets all organization users for current user.

POST api/organizationmanagement/user/Create

Creates a new user assigned to the Organization Admin Role

POST api/organizationmanagement/user

Allows an organization admin to update the specified user.

POST api/organizationmanagement/user/ClientAssignments

Adds user client assignments.

POST api/organizationmanagement/user/ResetPassword

Allows an organization admin reset the specified user's password.


Provides web services for managing permissions.

DELETE api/Permissions?permissionAssignmentId={permissionAssignmentId}

Removes the permission assignment from the users.

GET api/Permissions

Gets all permissions.

GET api/Permissions/{permissionId}

Gets the permission.

GET api/Permissions/{permissionId}/Assignments?pageSize={pageSize}&pageOffset={pageOffset}

Gets the permission assignments for the permission.

GET api/Permissions/{userId}/Permissions

Gets the permissions for a user.

GET api/Permissions/Categories

Gets the permission categories.

POST api/Permissions/{userId}/{permissionId}

Assigns the permission to the user.

POST api/Permissions/{userId}?permissionIdsList={permissionIdsList}

Assigns the permissions to the user.

POST api/Permissions/{permissionId}/Assignments

Assigns the permission to the users.


Provides web services for getting user permission reports.

POST api/Permissions/Reports/OrganizationAdmins

Searches the organization admin users and reports their permissions.

POST api/Permissions/Reports/OrganizationUsers

Searches the organization users and reports their permissions.

POST api/Permissions/Reports/ClientAdmins

Searches the client admin users and reports their permissions.

POST api/Permissions/Reports/ClientUsers

Searches the client users and reports their permissions.

POST api/Permissions/Reports/OrganizationUserAccess

Searches for organization users matching the provided criteria and returns each user's client assignments.


Provides web services for getting reports.

GET api/ProductUsage/ProductUsageCode

Generates a Product Usage Code for the current Product Usage Period.

GET api/ProductUsage/ProductExpirationDate

Gets the application's Product Expiration Date.

POST api/ProductUsage/ProductExpiration

Updates the Product Expiration Date using the Product Expiration Code.


Provides web services for getting reports.

DELETE api/Reports/SearchCriteria/{userReportSearchCriteriaId}

Deletes the specified UserReportSearchaCriteria.

GET api/Reports/EventNotification/{eventId}

Allows a user to get an event that they have access to.

GET api/Reports/WebServiceLog/{webServiceLogId}

Allows a SAFEAdmin to get a web service log.

GET api/Reports/SearchCriteria?route={route}

Gets a list of user report search criteria for the report defined by the specified URL-Encoded route.

GET api/Reports/SigningRoomMetrics

Gets the metrics of the signing rooms for the current client.

GET api/Reports/OrganizationMetrics/{organizationId}

Gets the metrics of an organization.

GET api/Reports/LastAccessedSigningRooms/{numberOfRooms}

Gets specified number of SigningRooms that were last accessed by the user.

GET api/Reports/LastAccessedFolders/{numberOfFolders}

Gets specified number of folders that were last accessed by the user.

GET api/Reports/MostAccessedFolders/{numberOfFolders}

Gets specified number of folders that were most accessed by the user.

GET api/Reports/LastCreatedClients/{numberOfClients}

Gets information on the last created clients.

GET api/Reports/LastCreatedFolders/{numberOfFolders}

Gets specified number of folders that were last created.

GET api/Reports/ClientToClientTransferResult/{clientToClientTransferLogId}

Gets the client to client transfer log results for the identifier provided.

GET api/Reports/ARCValidationErrorLog/{arcValidationErrorLogId}/ErrorMessages

Gets the ARC validation error messages.

POST api/Reports/EventNotification

Allows a user to search for any event notifications that they have access to.

POST api/Reports/SigningRoomActivityLogSearch

Allows a user to search for SigningRoom activity logs for any SigningRooms that they have access to.

POST api/Reports/LoginActivityLogSearch

Allows a user to search for login activity logs.

POST api/Reports/MonthlyBilling

Allows a SAFEAdmin to get the monthly billing reports for all organization in a specified time period. Allows an organization admin to get the monthly billing report for its organization. Allows a client admin to get the monthly billing reports for its client.

POST api/Reports/WebServiceLog

Allows a SAFEAdmin to search for web service logs.

POST api/Reports/SearchCriteria

Searches the web service logs given the supplied search parameters

POST api/Reports/SigningRoomsByCreatedDate

Gets all signing rooms created between the given dates for the current user.

POST api/Reports/SendTransactionReport

Gets all reporting counts for each client and organization in the system, as well as for the system as a whole, and sends it to DocMagic provider services. Reporting counts include SigningRooms, Documents, Signed Documents, MINs, eNote Registrations Requests, eNote Transfers, eDeliveries, Change Data Requests, and Change Status Requests.

POST api/Reports/ChangePasswordLogSearch

Allows a user to search for change password logs.

POST api/Reports/EVaultActivityLogSearch

Allows a user to search for eVault activity logs.

POST api/Reports/ClientToClientTransferLogSearch

Allows a user to search for client to client transfer logs.

POST api/Reports/ARCValidationErrorLogSearch

Allows a user to search for ARC validation error logs.

POST api/Reports/ARCValidationErrorLog

Creates an ARC validation error log.

POST api/Reports/ProductUsagePeriod/Search

Gets a list of Product

POST api/Reports/TransferableRecord/Search

Allows a user to search for transferable records.

POST api/Reports/TransferableRecord/Download

Download a CSV file of transferable records retrieved using the search criteria.

POST api/Reports/MonthlyBilling/Download

Download a CSV file of monthly billing data retrieved using the search criteria.


Provides web services for managing user sessions.

DELETE api/Admin/UserSessions/{sessionId}

Revokes the refresh token for the supplied session id.

POST api/Admin/UserSessions/Search

Searches the user sessions based on the specified criteria.


Provides services for SigningRoom participants to access and interact with SigningRooms.

GET api/Signing/SigningRooms/{invitationCode}/Branding

Gets the branding information for the SigningRoom that is associated to the invitation code.

GET api/Signing/SigningRooms/Branding/{signingRoomBrandingId}/Logo

Gets the SigningRoom logo image for the specified SigningRoom branding.

GET api/Signing/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/Participants/Current

Gets the participant information for the current signer user associated to the specified SigningRoom Id. The current user must be a participant in the specified SigningRoom.

GET api/Signing/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/Participants

Allows the current signer user to get a list of SigningRoom participants for the specified SigningRoom Id. The current user must be a participant in the specified SigningRoom.

GET api/Signing/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/ParticipantPreRequisites

Gets the SigningRoom participant prerequisites for the current signer user associated to the specified SigningRoom Id. The current user must be a participant in the specified SigningRoom.

GET api/Signing/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}

Allows the current signer user to get the SigningRoom information for the specified SigningRoom id. The current user must be a participant in the specified SigningRoom.

GET api/Signing/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/Settings

Allows the current signer user to get the SigningRoom settings information for the specified SigningRoom id. The current user must be a participant in the specified SigningRoom.

GET api/Signing/SigningRooms/{invitationCode}/LoginPageInfo

Allows the current signer user to get the SigningRoom login page welcome text for the specified SigningRoom id. The current user must be a participant in the specified SigningRoom.

GET api/Signing/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/Participants/ESignConsent

Gets a PDF document that contains the ESIGN consent text and acceptance date that was accepted by the current signer. The current user must be a participant in the specified SigningRoom.

GET api/Signing/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/Comments

Allows the current signer user to get the SigningRoom comments for the specified SigningRoom id. The current user must be a participant in the specified SigningRoom.

GET api/Signing/SigningRooms/Timestamp

Gets the current date and time from the server to be used to set the date and time in the annotations used for signing a document..

POST api/Signing/SigningRooms/{invitationCode}/InitializeUser?accessCode={accessCode}

Initializes the SigningRoom user associated to the specified invitation code. The current user must be a participant in the specified SigningRoom.

POST api/Signing/SigningRooms/Participants/LogESignConsent

Saves the ESIGN consent acceptance for the current signer user.

POST api/Signing/SigningRooms/Comments

Allows the current signer user to add a SigningRoom comment to the SigningRoom. The current user must be a participant in the specified SigningRoom.


Provides web services for self-service management of signer accounts.

POST api/Signing/Account/CreateAccount

Allows a signer to create an account for signing/reviewing documents in a SigningRoom.

POST api/Signing/Account/ChangePassword

Allows a signer to change their user account password.

POST api/Signing/Account/SendForgottenPasswordEmail

Requests an an email containing a temporary password to be sent to the signer.

POST api/Signing/Account/SendForgottenUserNameEmail

Requests an email containing the username to be sent to the signer.

POST api/Signing/Account/GetAccessToken

Gets the access token given a model.


Provides services for participant/signers to review and sign documents in a SigningRoom.

GET api/Signing/Documents/{documentId}/PageImage/{pageNumber}

Get an image of a document page for the specified document and page number. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the document and must have review or sign privileges on the document.

GET api/Signing/Documents/{documentId}/PageThumbnail/{pageNumber}

Get an image of a document page thumbnail for the specified document and page number.

GET api/Signing/Documents/{documentId}/PageThumbnails

Get a list of page thumbnail images of a document.

GET api/Signing/Documents/{documentId}/ActionLog

Gets the action log for the document.

GET api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/Documents

Get a list of documents in the SigningRoom with the specified id. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the documents and must have review or sign privileges on the documents.

GET api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/DocumentsForSigning

Gets the signing room documents for signing. Includes annotations and sets documents to reviewed.

GET api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/Documents/{documentId}

Gets the document with the specified document id in the specified SigningRoom. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the document and must have review or sign privileges on the document.

GET api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/Documents/{documentId}/Annotations

Gets the document annotations for the document in the specified SigningRoom. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the document and must have review or sign privileges on the document.

GET api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/Documents/{documentId}/Annotations/{documentAnnotationId}/Image

Returns an image of the document annotation associated to a document in the specified SigningRoom. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the document and it's document annotation.

GET api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/Documents/{documentId}/NextUnsignedDocument

Gets the next unsigned document for the current signer user in the specified SigningRoom. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom.

GET api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/Documents/{documentId}/ValidateCurrentSigner

Checks that the current user is a valid document signer. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the document.

GET api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/Documents/{documentId}/SmartDoc

Gets the SMART Doc® document with the specified document id in the specified SigningRoom. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the document and must have review or sign privileges on the document.

GET api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/Documents/{documentId}/SmartDoc/Presentation

Gets the presentation portion of the SMART Doc® with the specified document id in the specified SigningRoom. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the document and must have review or sign privileges on the document.

GET api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/Documents/{documentId}/SmartDoc/ExternalReferences?fileName={fileName}

Gets the external references for the SMART Doc® with the specified document id in the specified SigningRoom. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the document and must have review or sign privileges on the document.

GET api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/Documents/{documentId}/SmartDoc/SignaturePoints

Gets the signature points of the SMART Doc® document with the specified document id in the specified SigningRoom. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the document and must have review or sign privileges on the document.

GET api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/Documents/{documentId}/SmartDoc/SignatureImageInfo/{signatureReferenceId}

Gets the signature image info of the SMART Doc® document with the specified document id in the specified SigningRoom. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the document and must have review or sign privileges on the document.

GET api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/Documents/{documentId}/PrintAndSign/Status

Gets the participant status of a specific document in a signing room.

POST api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/Documents/{documentId}/SetDocumentReviewed

Saves a review action for the current signer user on the document in the specified SigningRoom. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the document and must have review or sign privileges on the document.

POST api/Signing/Documents/SignDocument

Signs the document using the specified signing information. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the document and must have sign privileges on the document.

POST api/Signing/Documents/SignSmartDoc

Signs the SMART Doc® document using the specified signing information. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the document and must have sign privileges on the document.

POST api/Signing/{signingRoomId}/Documents/Download

Downloads the specified list of document from the specified SigningRoom. The current signer user must have access to the SigningRoom that contains the document and must have sign privileges on the document.

POST api/Signing/Documents/Upload

Allows a SigningRoom user to upload a document to a SigningRoom.

POST api/Signing/Documents/UploadPrintAndSign

Allows a SigningRoom user to upload a document to a SigningRoom.

POST api/Signing/Documents/UploadENotary

Allows a SigningRoom user to upload a document to a SigningRoom.


Provides web services for managing SigningRooms.

DELETE api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}

Allows a SigningRoom admin to delete a SigningRoom.

DELETE api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{documentId}/DeleteDocument

Deletes the document.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms?clientId={clientId}&q={q}&limit={limit}&offset={offset}&includeExpired={includeExpired}

Allows a client admin or a client user to search all SigningRooms that they have access to.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}

Allows a SigningRoom admin to get a specified SigningRoom if they have access to it.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/Participants

Allows an organization admin, a client admin and a SigningRoom admin to get the list of participants associated to the specified SigningRoom.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/Participants/{participantId}

Allows an organization admin, a client admin and a SigningRoom admin to get the specified participant in the SigningRoom.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/Participants/{participantId}/EsignConsentLog

Allows a client admin and a SigningRoom admin to get the esign consent log for the specified participant and SigningRoom.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/Comments

Allows a SigningRoom admin or a client admin to get all comments on the SigningRoom.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/DownloadDocuments

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin to download all active documents in the specified SigningRoom.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/DownloadArchivedDocuments

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin to download all archived documents in the specified SigningRoom.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/signingroomdocumentsummary

Gets document summary information for the documents associated with the SigningRoom.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/signingroomsummary

Gets a status summary of the SigningRoom.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/documents

Gets the documents of the SigningRoom.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms

Allows a client admin or a client user to create a new SigningRoom.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/Participants/{participantId}/SendInvitation

Allows a SigningRoom admin to send a SigningRoom inviation to a specified participant of the SigningRoom.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/Participants/SendInvitations

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin to send invitation emails for all participants of the SigningRoom.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/Delete

Deletes the signing rooms.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/CreateFromPackage

Allows the creation of a new SigningRoom including SigningRoom admins, participants, documents, and document annotations in one call.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/Comments

Allows a SigningRoom admin or a client admin to add a new comment to the SigningRoom.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{documentId}/updateNewSortOrder/{newSortOrder}

Update the documents sort order.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{participantId}/UpdateParticipantSortOrder/{sortOrder}

Update the participants sort order.

PUT api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}

Allows a SigningRoom admin to update a SigningRoom if they have access to it.


Provides web services for managing SigningRoom admins.

DELETE api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/SigningRoomAdmins/{signingRoomAdminId}

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin of the SigningRoom to delete a SigningRoom admin from the SigningRoom.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/{signingRoomId}/SigningRoomAdmins

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin of the specified SigningRoom to get all SigningRoom admins of the SigningRoom.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/SigningRooms/SigningRoomAdmins

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin of the SigningRoom to add a SigningRoom admin to the SigningRoom.


Provides web services for managing settings.

GET api/Configuration/SigningRoomBranding

Allows a SAFEAdmin to get the default SigningRoom branding, and allows a client admin to get their client's SigningRoom branding.

GET api/Configuration/SigningRoomBranding/{clientId}

Allows a SAFEAdmin to get the default SigningRoom branding, and allows a client admin to get their client's SigningRoom branding.

POST api/Configuration/SigningRoomBranding/Reset/{brandingId}

Allows an org admin to reset their SigningRoom branding to the SAFEAdmin's branding, and allows a client admin to reset their SigningRoom branding to their organization's branding.

POST api/Configuration/SigningRoomBranding

Allows a SAFEAdmin to save the default SigningRoom branding, and allows a client admin to save their client's SigningRoom branding.


Provides web services for managing documents.

DELETE api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/{documentId}

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin to delete the specified document.

DELETE api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/{documentId}/Reviewers/{documentReviewerId}

Deletes the document reviewer.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/{documentId}/Signers

Gets the document signers assocated to a document.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/{documentId}/Reviewers

Gets a list of document reviewers for the specified document id.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/{documentId}/ExportPackage

Gets the export package of a signed document, which contains the signed document, the audit trail certificate, and the audit trail and signer metadata.

GET api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/{documentId}/Participants

Gets signing and review information for each participant for a specific document.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/{documentId}/Unarchive

Unarchives the specified document

POST api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/{documentId}/Archive

Archive the specified document

POST api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/{documentId}/Remove

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin to remove the specified document from its SigningRoom.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/Upload

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin to upload a document to a SigningRoom.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/UploadSmartDocument

Allows a client admin or a SigningRoom admin to upload a document to a SigningRoom.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/Signers

Saves the list of document signers.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/{documentId}/Reviewers

Saves the document reviewer.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/AddDocumentsFromEVault

Adds a list of documents to a SigningRoom.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/PrintAndSign/{documentId}/Complete

Marks a print and sign document as signing complete.

POST api/SigningRoomManager/Documents/SmartDocumentInformation

Validates an ePackage file and gets the SmartDocuments contained within.


Provides web services for managing SigningRoom settings.

GET api/Configuration/SigningRoomSettings

Allows a SAFEAdmin to get the default SigningRoom settings, and allows a client admin to get the client's SigningRoom settings.

POST api/Configuration/SigningRoomSettings

Allows a SAFEAdmin to update and save the default SigningRoom settings, and allows a client admin to update the SigningRoom settings for the client.


Provides web services for eRegistry functionality.

GET api/SmartRegistry/DocumentValidationFailure/{validationFailureId}/ErrorMessages

Gets the validation error messages.

GET api/SmartRegistry/eNote/Batch/{eRegistryBatchId}

Gets the eRegistry batch.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/Inquiry

Provides the ability to do an eNote inquiry.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/Inquiry/Batch

Provides the ability to do an eNote inquiry as a batch job.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/Search

Provides the ability to search for eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/SearchByMINs

Provides the ability to search for eNotes by multiple MINs.

POST api/SmartRegistry/SmartDocument/Search

Provides the ability to search for smart documents.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/Register

Provides the ability to register eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/Transfer

Provides the ability to transfer eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/Transfer/Bulk

Provides the ability to transfer multiple eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/Transfer/MIN

Provides the ability to transfer an eNote without access to the document.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/ssn

Provides the ability to update the ssn for eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/ssn/Batch

Provides the ability to update the ssn for eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/VaultId

Provides the ability to update the vault ids for eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/Servicer

Provides the ability to update the servicer for eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/Delegatee

Provides the ability to update the delegatee for eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/Delegatee/Batch

Provides the ability to update the delegatee for a batch of eNotes given by MIN.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/Location

Provides the ability to update the location for eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/SecuredParty

Update the secured party for an eNote.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/SecuredParty/Batch

Update the secured party for a batch of eNotes given by MIN.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/SecuredPartyDelegatee

Update the secured party delegatee for an eNote.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/LoanData

Provides the ability to update the loan data for eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/LoanData/Batch

Provides the ability to update the loan data for eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/PresentNote

Provides the ability to present eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/PresentNote/Batch

Provides the ability to present eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/Transfer/Pending

Gets the list of pending transfers.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/Transfer/Cancel

Provides the ability to cancel pending transfer for eNotes.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/Modification

Provides the ability to manage the modification request.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/Modification/Batch

Provides the ability to manage the modification request.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/Assumption

Provides the ability to assume a loan.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/Assumption/Batch

Provides the ability to assume a loan.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeData/AddDocument

Provides the ability to manage the add document request.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeStatus

Provides the ability to manage the change status request.

POST api/SmartRegistry/eNote/ChangeStatus/Batch

Provides the ability to manage the change status request batch.

POST api/SmartRegistry/enote/eDelivery

Sends an eDelivery request to MERS.

POST api/SmartRegistry/enote/eDelivery/Batch

Sends an eDelivery request to MERS.

POST api/SmartRegistry/enote/eDelivery/bulk

Provides the ability to eDeliver multiple eNotes.


Returns the lookup values used by eRegistry transactions.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Lookups/InquiryRequestActionTypes

Gets the list of eNote Inquiry Action Types.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Lookups/TransferRequestActionTypes

Gets the list of MERS transfer request types.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Lookups/ChangeStatusRequestActionTypes

Gets the list of MERS change status request types.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Lookups/RequestActionTypes

Gets a list of all the request action types.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Lookups/MERSStatusTypes

Gets the list of MERS status types.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Lookups/SecuredPartyActionTypes

Gets the list of secured party eRegistry request action types.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Lookups/ERegistryRequestTypes

Gets the list of eRegistry request types.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Lookups/ERegistryNotificationTransactionTypes

Gets the list of eRegistry notification transaction request types.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Lookups/ERegistryTransactionRequestTypes

Gets the list of eRegistry request types.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Lookups/ERegistryConfirmationTypes

Gets the list of eRegistry Confirmation Types.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Lookups/ERegistryBatchStatusTypes

Gets the list of eRegistry Batch Status Types.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Lookups/ERegistryBatchTypes

Gets the list of eRegistry batch types.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Lookups/RequestSubActionTypes

Gets a list of all the request sub action types.


Provides web services for getting eRegistry reports.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eDelivery/{trackingNumber}/Documents/{clientId}

Gets the list of eDelivery documents based on tracking number.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eDelivery/{trackingNumber}/DistributionApproval/{clientId}

Gets the list of distribution approval results based on the tracking number.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eDelivery/{trackingNumber}/DistributionApproval/{recipientMERSOrgId}/{clientId}

Gets the list of distribution approval results based on the tracking number.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Reports/NotificationLogs/{id}

Gets the Notification log with the supplied notification log id.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Reports/RequestLogs/{id}

Gets the request log with the supplied request log id.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Reports/Batch/{eRegistryBatchId}/Download

Download a CSV file of an eRegistry Batch request's results.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eNoteRegistrationRequests

Performs an eNote registration request search based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eNoteTransferRequests

Performs an eNote transfer request search based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eNoteTransferRequests/Download

Download a file of eNote transfer requests based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eRegistryNotifications

Provides the ability to search for eRegistry notifications.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eDelivery

Performs an eDelivery Request search based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eDelivery/Download

Download a CSV file of eDelivery requests based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eRegistryTransactions

Performs an eRegistry transaction search based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/NotificationLogs

Performs a notification log search based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/RequestLogs

Performs a request log search based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/ENoteInventory

Gets the eNote inventory report data.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/ENoteInventory/Download

Download a CSV file of eNote information retrieved using the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/Batch

Gets a list of eRegistry batch DTOs based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/ChangeStatus

Performs an eRegistry Change Status transaction search based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eNoteTransferRequestsWithoutDocument

Performs an eNote transfer request search for transfers without a document based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eNoteTransferRequestsWithoutDocument/Download

Download a CSV file of eNote transfers without a document based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eNoteRegistrationRequests/Download

Download a CSV file of eNote Registration requests based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/ChangeStatus/Download

Download a CSV file of Change Status/Data transactions based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/Batch/Download

Download a CSV file of eRegistry Batch requests based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eRegistryNotifications/Download

Download a CSV file of eRegistry Notifications based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eRegistryTransactions/Download

Download a CSV file of eRegistry Transactions based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eNoteReconciliation/Download

Download a CSV file of eNote reconciliation data based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eNoteReconciliation

Performs an eNote reconciliation search based on the search criteria.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eNoteReconciliation/All

Performs an eNote reconciliation search based on the search criteria and emails the results.


Provides web services for managing SmartREGISTRY settings.

GET api/SmartRegistry/MERSRegistrationMethods

Gets the MERS Registration Methods.

GET api/SmartRegistry/MERSRegistrationTypes

Gets the MERS Registration Types.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Settings

Gets the settings based on the settings identifier.

GET api/SmartRegistry/ClientSettings

Gets the settings for the client.

GET api/SmartRegistry/ClientSettings/{clientId}

Gets the settings for the client.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Connectivity

Sends a connectivity request to MERS.

GET api/SmartRegistry/Connectivity/{clientId}

Sends a connectivity request to MERS using the provided client's settings.

POST api/SmartRegistry/Settings

Saves the registry settings.

POST api/SmartRegistry/ClientSettings

Saves the settings.


Provides web services for managing smart safe settings.

GET api/Configuration/SmartSafeSettings

Gets the smart safe settings based on the current user.

GET api/Configuration/SmartSafeSettings/{clientId}

Gets the smart safe settings by client id.

POST api/Configuration/SmartSafeSettings

Saves the Smart Safe Settings entity.


Provides web services for smart transfer functionality.

GET api/SmartTransfer/Partners

Gets all smart transfer partners associated to the client of the authenticated user.

GET api/SmartTransfer/Partners/Client/{clientId}

Gets all smart transfer partners associated to the client.

GET api/SmartTransfer/Partners/Active/{clientId}

Gets all active smart transfer partners associated to the client of the authenticated user.

GET api/SmartTransfer/Partners/Active

Gets all active smart transfer partners associated to the client of the authenticated user.

GET api/SmartTransfer/Partners/{smartTransferPartnerId}

Gets a specific smart transfer partner by the identifier.

GET api/SmartTransfer/Logs/{smartTransferLogId}

Gets information relevant for a specific SmartTransfer.

GET api/SmartTransfer/TransferPackage?transferTo={transferTo}

Verify that a client with the given transfer identifier exists.

GET api/SmartTransfer/TransactionTypes

Allows a user to get all the SmartTRANSFER transaction types.

POST api/SmartTransfer/Send

Provides the ability to send/transfer a set of documents to another client.

POST api/SmartTransfer/Send/Bulk

Provides the ability to send/transfer a set of documents using a bulk list of document names to another client.

POST api/SmartTransfer/Partners

Saves the smart transfer partner.

POST api/SmartTransfer/Search

Searches the SmartTRANSFER logs.

POST api/SmartTransfer/TransferPackage?transferTo={transferTo}

Transfers the incoming package to the specified transferTo client.

POST api/SmartTransfer/Transactions/Search

Searches the SmartTRANSFER transactions.

POST api/SmartTransfer/Enable

Provides the ability to enable a set of documents as Electronic Transferable Documents.

POST api/SmartTransfer/Enable/Bulk

Provides the ability to enable a set of documents using a bulk list of document names as Electronic Transferable Documents.


Provides web services for user management for a SAFEAdmin.

DELETE api/Admin/UserManagement/DeleteUser?userName={userName}

Delete the specified user by username.

DELETE api/Admin/UserManagement/DeleteUser?userId={userId}

Delete the specified user by user identifier.

GET api/Admin/UserManagement/UserExists?userName={userName}

Allows a SAFEAdmin to check if a user with the specified user name already exists.

GET api/Admin/UserManagement/GetUser?userName={userName}

Allows a SAFEAdmin to get the specified user by username.

GET api/Admin/UserManagement/GetUser?userId={userId}

get the specified user by the user identifier.

GET api/Admin/UserManagement/Admins

Allows a SAFEAdmin to get a list of all other SAFEAdmins.

GET api/Admin/UserManagement/UserManagers

Allows a SAFEAdmin to get a list of all users with the UserManagers role.

POST api/Admin/UserManagement/SearchUsers

Allows a SAFEAdmin to search for users.

POST api/Admin/UserManagement/Admins

Allows a SAFEAdmin to create a new user who is also a SAFEAdmin.

POST api/Admin/UserManagement/SaveUser

Allows a SAFEAdmin to update the specified user.

POST api/Admin/UserManagement/ResetPassword

Allows a SAFEAdmin, an organization admin, or a client admin to reset the specified user's password.

POST api/Admin/UserManagement/UserManagers

Allows a SAFEAdmin to create a new user who has the UserManagers role.

POST api/Admin/UserManagement/{userId}/Unlock

Unlocks the user account.