POST api/SmartRegistry/Reports/eNoteTransferRequests
Performs an eNote transfer request search based on the search criteria.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
The search criteria.
ESignSystems.SmartSAFE.Models.SmartRegistry.Reports.ENoteTransferReportSearchCriteriaName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Gets or sets the MIN to search by. |
string |
Max length: 18 |
DocumentName |
Gets or sets the document name to search by. |
string |
Max length: 150 |
StartDate |
Gets or sets a date value. Transfer requests that were initiated after this date and transfer notification that were received after this date will return from the search. |
date |
Required |
EndDate |
Gets or sets a date value. Transfer requests that were initiated before this date and transfer notification that were received before this date will return from the search. |
date |
Required |
RequestActionTypeId |
Gets or sets the request action type id to search by. |
integer |
None. |
CurrentStatusId |
Gets or sets the current status id to search by. |
integer |
None. |
ClientId |
Gets or sets the client identifier. |
integer |
None. |
ERegistryBatchId |
Gets or sets the eRegistry batch identifier. |
integer |
None. |
PageSize |
Gets or sets the number of rows in the page. |
integer |
Range: inclusive between 1 and 2147483647 |
PageOffset |
Gets or sets the offset page to return. |
integer |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "MIN": "sample string 1", "DocumentName": "sample string 2", "StartDate": "2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00", "EndDate": "2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00", "RequestActionTypeId": 1, "CurrentStatusId": 1, "ClientId": 1, "ERegistryBatchId": 1, "PageSize": 1, "PageOffset": 3 }
application/xml, text/xml
<ENoteTransferReportSearchCriteria xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <PageOffset xmlns="">3</PageOffset> <PageSize xmlns="">1</PageSize> <ClientId>1</ClientId> <CurrentStatusId>1</CurrentStatusId> <DocumentName>sample string 2</DocumentName> <ERegistryBatchId>1</ERegistryBatchId> <EndDate>2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00</EndDate> <MIN>sample string 1</MIN> <RequestActionTypeId>1</RequestActionTypeId> <StartDate>2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00</StartDate> </ENoteTransferReportSearchCriteria>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
The list of transfer requests based on the search criteria.
Collection of ESignSystems.SmartSAFE.Models.SmartRegistry.Reports.ENoteTransferRequestModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Gets or sets the MIN of the transfer request. |
string |
None. |
LoanIdentifier |
Gets or sets the Loan Identifier of the transfer request. |
string |
None. |
DocumentName |
Gets or sets the document name of the transfer request. |
string |
None. |
DocumentId |
Gets or sets the document id of the transfer request. |
integer |
None. |
SigningRoomId |
Gets or sets the signing room id of the transfer request. |
integer |
None. |
ActionType |
Gets or sets the action type of the transfer request. |
string |
None. |
NewControllerOrgName |
Gets or sets the new MERS org name of the controller for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
NewServicerOrgName |
Gets or sets the new MERS org name of the servicer for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
NewLocationOrgName |
Gets or sets the new MERS org name of the location for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
NewSubservicerOrgName |
Gets or sets the new MERS org name of the subservicer for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
NewSecuredPartyDelegateeOrgName |
Gets or sets the new MERS org name of the secured party delegatee for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
NewSecuredPartyOrgName |
Gets or sets the new MERS org name of the secured party for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
NewDelegateeForTransfersOrgName |
Gets or sets the new MERS org name of the delegatee for transfers for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
CurrentLocationOrgName |
Gets or sets the current MERS org name of the location for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
CurrentServicerOrgName |
Gets or sets the current MERS org name of the servicer for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
CounterPartyOrgName |
Gets or sets the name of the counter party org. |
string |
None. |
CurrentControllerOrgName |
Gets or sets the current MERS org name of the controller for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
CurrentSecuredPartyDelegateeOrgName |
Gets or sets the current MERS org name of the secured party delegatee for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
CurrentSecuredPartyOrgName |
Gets or sets the current MERS org name of the secured party for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
CurrentSubservicerOrgName |
Gets or sets the current MERS org name of the subservicer for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
CurrentDelegateeForTransfersOrgName |
Gets or sets the current MERS org name of the delegatee for transfers for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
RequestConfirmationType |
Gets or sets the transfer method of the transfer request. |
string |
None. |
TransferEffectiveDate |
Gets or sets the transfer effective date for the eNote transfer. |
date |
None. |
MERSTransferIdentifier |
Gets or sets the MERS transfer identifier for the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
CurrentStatus |
Gets or sets the current status of the eNote transfer. |
string |
None. |
InitiatedBy |
Gets or sets the name of the user who initiated the transfer request. |
string |
None. |
InitiatedReceivedDate |
For an initiation request record, gets or sets the initiated date. For a notification record, gets or sets the received date of the initial pending notification. |
date |
None. |
RespondedDate |
Gets or sets the date when the recipient sent the response to the transfer. |
date |
None. |
RespondedBy |
Gets or sets the responded by value. |
string |
None. |
RequestStatus |
Gets or sets the request status of the transfer request. |
string |
None. |
ReceivedFromMERSOrgId |
Gets or sets the MERS Org Id that this request was received from. |
string |
None. |
ReceivedFrom |
Gets or sets the MERS org that this request was received from. |
string |
None. |
ERegistryBatchId |
Gets or sets the eRegistry batch identifier. |
integer |
None. |
StatusDescription |
Gets or sets the status description. |
string |
None. |
ClientName |
Gets or sets the client name. |
string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
[ { "MIN": "sample string 1", "LoanIdentifier": "sample string 2", "DocumentName": "sample string 3", "DocumentId": 1, "SigningRoomId": 1, "ActionType": "sample string 4", "NewControllerOrgName": "sample string 5", "NewServicerOrgName": "sample string 6", "NewLocationOrgName": "sample string 7", "NewSubservicerOrgName": "sample string 8", "NewSecuredPartyDelegateeOrgName": "sample string 9", "NewSecuredPartyOrgName": "sample string 10", "NewDelegateeForTransfersOrgName": "sample string 11", "CurrentLocationOrgName": "sample string 12", "CurrentServicerOrgName": "sample string 13", "CounterPartyOrgName": "sample string 14", "CurrentControllerOrgName": "sample string 15", "CurrentSecuredPartyDelegateeOrgName": "sample string 16", "CurrentSecuredPartyOrgName": "sample string 17", "CurrentSubservicerOrgName": "sample string 18", "CurrentDelegateeForTransfersOrgName": "sample string 19", "RequestConfirmationType": "sample string 20", "TransferEffectiveDate": "2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00", "MERSTransferIdentifier": "sample string 21", "CurrentStatus": "sample string 22", "InitiatedBy": "sample string 23", "InitiatedReceivedDate": "2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00", "RespondedDate": "2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00", "RespondedBy": "sample string 24", "RequestStatus": "sample string 25", "ReceivedFromMERSOrgId": "sample string 26", "ReceivedFrom": "sample string 27", "ERegistryBatchId": 1, "StatusDescription": "sample string 28", "ClientName": "sample string 29" }, { "MIN": "sample string 1", "LoanIdentifier": "sample string 2", "DocumentName": "sample string 3", "DocumentId": 1, "SigningRoomId": 1, "ActionType": "sample string 4", "NewControllerOrgName": "sample string 5", "NewServicerOrgName": "sample string 6", "NewLocationOrgName": "sample string 7", "NewSubservicerOrgName": "sample string 8", "NewSecuredPartyDelegateeOrgName": "sample string 9", "NewSecuredPartyOrgName": "sample string 10", "NewDelegateeForTransfersOrgName": "sample string 11", "CurrentLocationOrgName": "sample string 12", "CurrentServicerOrgName": "sample string 13", "CounterPartyOrgName": "sample string 14", "CurrentControllerOrgName": "sample string 15", "CurrentSecuredPartyDelegateeOrgName": "sample string 16", "CurrentSecuredPartyOrgName": "sample string 17", "CurrentSubservicerOrgName": "sample string 18", "CurrentDelegateeForTransfersOrgName": "sample string 19", "RequestConfirmationType": "sample string 20", "TransferEffectiveDate": "2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00", "MERSTransferIdentifier": "sample string 21", "CurrentStatus": "sample string 22", "InitiatedBy": "sample string 23", "InitiatedReceivedDate": "2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00", "RespondedDate": "2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00", "RespondedBy": "sample string 24", "RequestStatus": "sample string 25", "ReceivedFromMERSOrgId": "sample string 26", "ReceivedFrom": "sample string 27", "ERegistryBatchId": 1, "StatusDescription": "sample string 28", "ClientName": "sample string 29" } ]
application/xml, text/xml
<ArrayOfENoteTransferRequestModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <ENoteTransferRequestModel> <ActionType>sample string 4</ActionType> <ClientName>sample string 29</ClientName> <CounterPartyOrgName>sample string 14</CounterPartyOrgName> <CurrentControllerOrgName>sample string 15</CurrentControllerOrgName> <CurrentDelegateeForTransfersOrgName>sample string 19</CurrentDelegateeForTransfersOrgName> <CurrentLocationOrgName>sample string 12</CurrentLocationOrgName> <CurrentSecuredPartyDelegateeOrgName>sample string 16</CurrentSecuredPartyDelegateeOrgName> <CurrentSecuredPartyOrgName>sample string 17</CurrentSecuredPartyOrgName> <CurrentServicerOrgName>sample string 13</CurrentServicerOrgName> <CurrentStatus>sample string 22</CurrentStatus> <CurrentSubservicerOrgName>sample string 18</CurrentSubservicerOrgName> <DocumentId>1</DocumentId> <DocumentName>sample string 3</DocumentName> <ERegistryBatchId>1</ERegistryBatchId> <InitiatedBy>sample string 23</InitiatedBy> <InitiatedReceivedDate>2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00</InitiatedReceivedDate> <LoanIdentifier>sample string 2</LoanIdentifier> <MERSTransferIdentifier>sample string 21</MERSTransferIdentifier> <MIN>sample string 1</MIN> <NewControllerOrgName>sample string 5</NewControllerOrgName> <NewDelegateeForTransfersOrgName>sample string 11</NewDelegateeForTransfersOrgName> <NewLocationOrgName>sample string 7</NewLocationOrgName> <NewSecuredPartyDelegateeOrgName>sample string 9</NewSecuredPartyDelegateeOrgName> <NewSecuredPartyOrgName>sample string 10</NewSecuredPartyOrgName> <NewServicerOrgName>sample string 6</NewServicerOrgName> <NewSubservicerOrgName>sample string 8</NewSubservicerOrgName> <ReceivedFrom>sample string 27</ReceivedFrom> <ReceivedFromMERSOrgId>sample string 26</ReceivedFromMERSOrgId> <RequestConfirmationType>sample string 20</RequestConfirmationType> <RequestStatus>sample string 25</RequestStatus> <RespondedBy>sample string 24</RespondedBy> <RespondedDate>2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00</RespondedDate> <SigningRoomId>1</SigningRoomId> <StatusDescription>sample string 28</StatusDescription> <TransferEffectiveDate>2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00</TransferEffectiveDate> </ENoteTransferRequestModel> <ENoteTransferRequestModel> <ActionType>sample string 4</ActionType> <ClientName>sample string 29</ClientName> <CounterPartyOrgName>sample string 14</CounterPartyOrgName> <CurrentControllerOrgName>sample string 15</CurrentControllerOrgName> <CurrentDelegateeForTransfersOrgName>sample string 19</CurrentDelegateeForTransfersOrgName> <CurrentLocationOrgName>sample string 12</CurrentLocationOrgName> <CurrentSecuredPartyDelegateeOrgName>sample string 16</CurrentSecuredPartyDelegateeOrgName> <CurrentSecuredPartyOrgName>sample string 17</CurrentSecuredPartyOrgName> <CurrentServicerOrgName>sample string 13</CurrentServicerOrgName> <CurrentStatus>sample string 22</CurrentStatus> <CurrentSubservicerOrgName>sample string 18</CurrentSubservicerOrgName> <DocumentId>1</DocumentId> <DocumentName>sample string 3</DocumentName> <ERegistryBatchId>1</ERegistryBatchId> <InitiatedBy>sample string 23</InitiatedBy> <InitiatedReceivedDate>2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00</InitiatedReceivedDate> <LoanIdentifier>sample string 2</LoanIdentifier> <MERSTransferIdentifier>sample string 21</MERSTransferIdentifier> <MIN>sample string 1</MIN> <NewControllerOrgName>sample string 5</NewControllerOrgName> <NewDelegateeForTransfersOrgName>sample string 11</NewDelegateeForTransfersOrgName> <NewLocationOrgName>sample string 7</NewLocationOrgName> <NewSecuredPartyDelegateeOrgName>sample string 9</NewSecuredPartyDelegateeOrgName> <NewSecuredPartyOrgName>sample string 10</NewSecuredPartyOrgName> <NewServicerOrgName>sample string 6</NewServicerOrgName> <NewSubservicerOrgName>sample string 8</NewSubservicerOrgName> <ReceivedFrom>sample string 27</ReceivedFrom> <ReceivedFromMERSOrgId>sample string 26</ReceivedFromMERSOrgId> <RequestConfirmationType>sample string 20</RequestConfirmationType> <RequestStatus>sample string 25</RequestStatus> <RespondedBy>sample string 24</RespondedBy> <RespondedDate>2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00</RespondedDate> <SigningRoomId>1</SigningRoomId> <StatusDescription>sample string 28</StatusDescription> <TransferEffectiveDate>2025-02-21T13:12:26.4047514-05:00</TransferEffectiveDate> </ENoteTransferRequestModel> </ArrayOfENoteTransferRequestModel>